STRESS and the Holidays!!!!!

For many people, the holidays can be a stressful time!! Besides the stressors of buying gifts, travel expenses and hassles, and family interactions, the short days and lack of sunlight in winter can trigger  depressive feelings and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).The Mental Health Association recommends counteracting stress by maintaining a positive outlook, focusing on activities that take your mind off your worries and taking time to relax.

Quick stress check:

• Are you cramming more activities than usual into a day?

• Are you saying “yes” to things you wish you hadn’t?

• Are you sleeping less?

• Do you find yourself yelling at your kids more?

• Are you entertaining or visiting with family and friends?

• Are you spending more money than usual?

• Is there a change in your routine

• Are you traveling?

• Are you getting sick more often?


• Prepare your family for the holidays by living life in balance

• Say “NO” so you are not overextended or over scheduled

• Get plenty of sleep and eat nutritious meals. 

• Schedule downtime for you and your children

• Talk situations through to a positive outcome. 

• Leave plenty of time for travel to avoid rushing

• Introduce positive thinking and affirmations. 

• Fully connect and be present with your child

• Relax your expectations and visualize interacting peacefully

• Laugh – Laughter is still the best way to beat stress and change everyone’s mood from bad to good. Lighten the mood with funny movies, sledding or cozy chats over cups of hot chocolate (don’t forget the marshmallows).

Make a stress-free holiday your new family tradition! Fond memories of the holidays are a beautiful gift you can leave with your children. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the holidays may be one of the few times when you can offer a present that only you can give — priceless memories of a holiday filled with fun, love and laughter for the entire family.

We are celebrating the Altona staff by asking parents to bring in baked goods for our annual Holiday Staff Appreciation.

Please sign-up to bring baked goods here.

We also need your help with collecting baked goods at drop-off, decorate and handout goodies. To volunteer your time, sign-up here.

Silver Creek Registration Information

Community Holiday Gifts Program


8th graders! It is time to apply to become a member of Silver Creek Leadership Academy! We are excited to help you develop your leadership skills. Applications open until January 10th.  

Dawson Summer Initiative

Theme for Summer 2024Next: Tomorrow Today
Dates: June 4-July 3

Application due date: February 1, 2024

Dawson Summer Initiative (DSI) offers a free summer academic program that follows a thematic approach and is geared for high-achieving, independent students who are currently in Grade 6 and Grade 7

Upcoming Events


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