Academic Support

Altona Middle School offers a wide variety of opportunities for students to receive additional, individualized academic support & intervention, both before school and at built in times during the school day. Students have access to:

  • LEAD (Leadership through Enrichment, Academics, & Design) is a 40 min period at the end of the day for all students. Reading, time to meet with individual teachers, take reassessments, and homework support all happen during this time. In addition, enrichment programs, such as Competitive Robotics, Show Choir, Jazz Band, Pops Orchestra, and Yearbook also are offered during this time.
  • AAA (Academic Acceleration Academy), which meets on Tuesday & Thursday mornings, from 7:15 – 8:15 am in the Library.
  • Math Lab and Literacy, both of which occur every Monday/Wednesday/Friday during LEAD. Students with Read Plans and/or students needing additional math supports meet in small groups with math and literacy intervention teachers for 120 minutes a week.
  • Rising Rattlers Club is an intervention designed to target struggling students who meet with counselors and our interventionist to develop academic plans for support that are individualized for students.
Altona Middle School