Please remember that if you need to stop by the school during school hours (i.e. picking up or dropping off your student’s bicycle), you MUST sign in at the front office! Thank you.

Check out the New PLT website !! Here you will find direct access to volunteer information, Spirit Wear, Teacher/Staff Favorite things, upcoming meetings!!

Shopping for the holidays? Grab a few extra cans of green beans. Altona WEB and NJHS are teaming up for our annual canned food and hygiene item drive! The Canned Food Drive will run from November 27 to December 8th. All donations will benefit the OUR Center, here in Longmont. Cash, checks, and grocery gift cards are also welcome. Please make all checks out to the Our Center.
Attached is the list of the most needed items, as requested by the OUR Center.
Spirit Wear Holiday Sale!
The holiday sale ends soon! This is the last week to save 35% on all spirit wear with code: EXTRASAVINGS. Guaranteed delivery by Dec. 23rd! Find the perfect gift for everyone on your list- from parents to grandparents and beyond!

Innovation Center to Host ‘Day of AI’ Event as Part of Computer Science Education Week
Students, parents, educators, and AI enthusiasts are invited to this community event hosted by the Innovation Center on Saturday, December 2 from 2-5:00 p.m. This unique experience will offer interactive AI activities, informative sessions on St. Vrain’s initiatives in AI education, and hands-on STEM activities with the Future-Ready Innovation Mobile Lab. An outdoor drone light show will conclude the day’s events. A Day of AI also coincides with the World Artificial Intelligence Competition for Youth (WAICY), the world’s largest AI competition for youth, which is hosted by the Innovation Center this year.
Yearbook Needs Your Pictures
Does your Rattler have hobbies they do outside of school? Whether they play a sport, dance, do gymnastics, act, or volunteer, we’d love a photo of them in action. Go to this link to submit photos today!
Silver Creek Registration- Attention Current 8th Graders!
Please find important Silver Creek course registration information here.

As the weather gets colder, we are accepting the following donations:
-Kleenex/Facial Tissue
-Clorox Wipes
-Hand Sanitizer
-K Cup Pods for teacher’s lounge
Upcoming Events
Contact Us
We know that staying connected with our administrative team plays a vital role in ensuring a successful educational journey for your student. Don’t hesitate to reach out, ask questions, and share your thoughts. Your active involvement is key to creating the best environment for your middle schooler’s growth and development.
Meet our Counseling Team
Meet Altona’s counseling team. They’re here to support your student’s well-being and academic journey. Reach out anytime – we’re here for you!
Recent Updates
View our latest news and announcements.
Silver Creek High School to Host 15th Annual Lunar New Year Celebration
Silver Creek High School in partnership with the Asian-Pacific Association of Longmont (A-PAL) invites the community to its 15th Annual Lunar New Year Celebration on Saturday, February 22, 2025, at Silver Creek High School (4901 Nelson Road, Longmont, CO). This free and public event runs from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., with doors opening at 1:30 […]
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Parent University Session, February 20
St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children. All spring sessions are from 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. and will be held virtually. Spanish translation services will be available. Join us on Zoom, Feb. 20 from 5-6:30 p.m.Adolescent […]
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Winter guard spotlights SVVSD color guard students
Niwot High’s new color guard director, Anthony Pierro, was so impressed with the talent of Niwot’s students, along with those at other schools featured during St. Vrain Valley’s band night, that he decided to start a competitive winter guard program. “The kids inspired me to build them the program I wish I had in high […]
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