New Episode Alert: Watch Episode 24 here!

View our latest episode her!!

Parent Leadership Team Meeting

The next PLT meeting is going to be October 4th at 9:30 am at Altona. We hope to see you there!

Boys Basketball

Boys Basketball Registration opens up on Monday, September 16th. Click on the button below to sign up!

Rattlers Unified Club

Rattlers Unified! is a club dedicated to fostering inclusivity and unity within our school community. Our mission is to bridge the gap between students with and without disabilities, working together to assist our school’s leadership in building and nurturing an inclusive school culture.
If you are interested in possibly joining this club, please fill out the Rattler’s unified club interest form. This form should be filled out by the student! 

Fall Bookfair

Book Fair Volunteers Needed

It’s almost time for the Book Fair! We are looking for parent volunteers to help with setup and working shifts during the fair. Please take a look and join us if you can! 


Each year, schools in St. Vrain Valley School District complete a process to identify students who demonstrate exceptional ability or performance in one or more academic and/or talent areas and may, therefore, qualify for Gifted/Talented educational services. These students usually perform at least two years above grade level in their strength area(s), and they require additional academic challenges in order to support their continued educational growth and progress.  In addition, they usually demonstrate characteristics of unique creativity and high motivation in their strength areas. 

Referrals are open through the month of September and will close on the last day of the month. Referrals after that date will be addressed on a case by case basis. Completing a referral guarantees a review of the student profile to determine if testing is recommended for the student. The process for identification requires a body of evidence and often takes place throughout the school year.

The process takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Representative name and email

Link to the Referral form


2024 Superintendent’s Town Hall Meetings

Dates and Locations:

  • Tuesday, 9/3, 5:30-7:00: Frederick High School
  • Monday, 9/9, 5:30-7:00: Skyline High School
  • Tuesday, 9/10, 5:30-7:00: Erie High School
  • Thursday, 9/12, 5:30-7:00: Innovation Center
  • Monday, 9/30, 5:30-7:00: Mead High School

Upcoming Events


Contact Us

We know that staying connected with our administrative team plays a vital role in ensuring a successful educational journey for your student. Don’t hesitate to reach out, ask questions, and share your thoughts. Your active involvement is key to creating the best environment for your middle schooler’s growth and development.

Meet our Counseling Team

Meet Altona’s counseling team. They’re here to support your student’s well-being and academic journey. Reach out anytime – we’re here for you!

Quick Links

Altona Middle School